1B Mario Cruz #2
Age: 52 | Bats: L | Throws: R | Morale: Very Good
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 0 0.0
Overall Pot. Overall Vs Left Vs Right Pot.  
Contact 4 4 4 4
Gap 5 5 6 5
Power 4 4 5 4
Eye 9 7 10 9
Avoid K's 3 3 3 3
Catcher Infield Outfield
Range: - 1 1
Errors: - 1 2
Arm: 1 5 6
Turn DP: - 1 -
Ability: 1 - -
Pitcher: - Shortstop: -
Catcher: - Left Field: -
1st Base: 2 Center Field: -
2nd Base: - Right Field: -
3rd Base: -
Running Speed: 4
Stealing Ability: 4
Baserunning Inst.: 6
Sacrifice Bunt: 5
Bunt for Hit: 1
Date Vs. Result AB R H BI HR BB K SB
In terms of leadership skills: top shelf.
Personality Class: Captain
High: Leader, Loyalty, Financial Ambition, Work Ethic
Low: Adaptability
Born in:Maracay, ARA
Height:6' 5"
Weight:215 lbs
Local Popularity:Very Popular
National Pop.:Very Popular
Signed Through:-
Major Service:
Service This Yr:
40-Man Service:
Pro Service:
Arbitration Eligibility:
Option Years:
Contract Extension:
StatsPlus Player Page
2036 Colorado - AFBL 19 35 106 23 5 0 4 12 16 5 3 0 23 0 0 .217 .272 .377 .649 82 85 -0.1
2037 Colorado - AFBL 20 146 467 141 32 2 19 82 77 39 15 6 113 2 1 .302 .370 .501 .871 143 140 3.4
2038 Colorado - AFBL 21 150 589 193 43 1 35 120 91 59 14 4 94 1 1 .328 .399 .582 .982 171 169 7.0
2039 Colorado - AFBL 22 157 597 189 36 1 35 103 101 85 11 4 110 2 0 .317 .409 .556 .965 167 166 7.6
2040 Colorado - AFBL 23 80 299 98 18 0 25 67 54 55 6 1 49 1 1 .328 .440 .639 1.079 199 191 5.5
2041 Colorado - AFBL 24 160 586 182 16 1 40 105 101 87 8 8 99 1 1 .311 .402 .546 .948 155 153 6.2
2042 Colorado - AFBL 25 151 568 162 30 1 37 102 93 82 13 6 133 1 2 .285 .384 .537 .921 149 149 5.9
2043 Colorado - AFBL 26 154 582 168 28 0 38 96 102 73 14 3 105 1 1 .289 .379 .533 .912 147 151 5.7
2044 Colorado - AFBL 27 158 607 154 26 1 36 101 96 89 10 3 123 0 0 .254 .357 .478 .835 126 130 4.3
2045 Colorado - AFBL 28 158 603 163 35 2 39 84 103 85 17 7 128 0 1 .270 .372 .529 .901 138 135 5.0
2046 Colorado - AFBL 29 158 595 139 23 1 35 92 90 88 8 6 146 0 0 .234 .337 .452 .789 107 106 2.9
2047 Colorado - AFBL 30 155 553 139 23 1 33 83 78 74 13 1 137 1 1 .251 .353 .476 .828 115 116 3.4
2048 Colorado - AFBL 31 162 588 163 21 3 35 77 98 81 8 1 151 0 0 .277 .372 .502 .873 126 129 4.9
2049 Colorado - AFBL 32 118 426 121 18 4 28 81 78 73 10 6 101 2 0 .284 .396 .542 .938 138 135 3.4
2050 Colorado - AFBL 33 26 97 26 5 0 9 22 22 13 1 0 28 1 0 .268 .360 .598 .958 146 145 0.8
2050 New York - AFBL 33 122 431 128 32 1 27 90 81 74 8 4 109 3 1 .297 .406 .564 .970 151 145 4.4
2050 Total - AFBL 33 148 528 154 37 1 36 112 103 87 9 4 137 4 1 .292 .398 .570 .968 150 145 5.2
2051 New York - AFBL 34 66 238 57 9 1 19 42 37 37 6 3 64 0 0 .239 .352 .525 .877 129 129 1.9
2052 New York - AFBL 35 123 377 112 20 0 36 82 80 71 5 6 92 0 2 .297 .410 .637 1.046 173 175 5.4
2053 New York - AFBL 36 137 451 109 19 1 36 87 73 75 17 3 142 2 1 .242 .368 .528 .896 136 140 4.2
2054 New York - AFBL 37 131 463 135 22 2 32 89 83 71 15 1 117 1 0 .292 .402 .555 .957 155 158 4.8
2055 New York - AFBL 38 153 486 116 22 0 29 68 70 87 9 0 152 2 0 .239 .364 .463 .827 129 132 2.8
2056 New York - AFBL 39 155 525 128 30 0 33 80 89 70 5 1 159 1 0 .244 .338 .490 .827 126 132 4.0
2057 New York - AFBL 40 149 487 118 25 0 27 68 60 70 8 1 157 2 1 .242 .346 .460 .806 119 123 2.3
2058 New York - AFBL 41 110 281 57 11 0 8 36 31 58 5 2 124 0 0 .203 .347 .327 .674 92 95 -0.5
Total AFBL 3114 11002 3021 549 23 695 1869 1804 1601 229 77 2656 24 14 .275 .376 .518 .894 140 140 95.2
2033 Jacksonville - R 16 92 363 97 15 0 20 65 53 36 11 5 140 0 1 .267 .347 .474 .821 101 97 1.0
2033 Grand Junction - A 16 4 10 3 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 .300 .300 .600 .900 135 133 0.1
2034 Grand Junction - A 17 92 369 109 26 1 21 73 58 23 10 5 120 1 1 .295 .349 .542 .891 136 130 2.9
2034 Fort Collins - AA 17 43 183 56 16 0 8 34 24 9 2 3 55 0 0 .306 .340 .525 .865 123 116 1.0
2034 Colorado Springs - AAA 17 6 26 5 1 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 12 0 0 .192 .192 .346 .538 31 12 -0.2
2035 Colorado Springs - AAA 18 140 562 161 49 1 16 76 88 52 10 4 176 2 1 .286 .355 .463 .818 101 98 1.6
2036 Colorado Springs - AAA 19 113 434 135 40 3 22 73 84 52 6 7 113 0 0 .311 .387 .569 .956 136 132 3.2
2040 Colorado Springs - AAA 23 3 11 2 0 0 1 3 3 2 0 1 2 0 0 .182 .286 .455 .740 77 30 -0.1
2059 Brooklyn - AAA 42 110 339 80 15 5 10 39 54 86 5 0 114 1 0 .236 .398 .398 .796 97 105 1.6
Total EL 372 1372 383 105 9 50 193 230 192 21 12 417 3 1 .279 .373 .478 .851 110 109
Total UL 43 183 56 16 0 8 34 24 9 2 3 55 0 0 .306 .340 .525 .865 123 116
Total CL 96 379 112 26 1 22 76 59 23 10 5 123 1 1 .296 .348 .544 .891 136 130
Total LL 92 363 97 15 0 20 65 53 36 11 5 140 0 1 .267 .347 .474 .821 101 97
2036 Colorado - AFBL 19 15 7 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 0 0 .000 .125 .000 .125 -61 -122 -0.5
2037 Colorado - AFBL 20 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .333 .333 .333 .667 89 90 -1.0
2038 Colorado - AFBL 21 12 47 13 4 0 1 5 5 5 0 0 8 0 0 .277 .346 .426 .772 115 120 -0.8
2041 Colorado - AFBL 24 13 49 17 2 0 3 10 8 8 1 0 11 0 0 .347 .448 .571 1.020 175 182 0.3
2042 Colorado - AFBL 25 12 42 11 3 0 3 8 9 10 0 1 7 0 0 .262 .396 .548 .944 155 155 0.1
2043 Colorado - AFBL 26 10 38 12 2 0 2 5 5 5 0 0 12 0 0 .316 .395 .526 .922 151 158 -0.1
2044 Colorado - AFBL 27 12 48 10 2 0 2 3 4 5 0 0 10 0 0 .208 .283 .375 .658 79 52 -0.9
2045 Colorado - AFBL 28 11 41 13 6 0 4 10 9 6 0 0 5 0 0 .317 .404 .756 1.160 200 204 0.3
2046 Colorado - AFBL 29 9 31 9 4 0 2 5 3 6 0 0 8 0 0 .290 .405 .613 1.018 165 170 0.9
2050 New York - AFBL 33 6 23 7 2 0 1 2 2 1 1 0 5 0 0 .304 .360 .522 .882 127 133 0.1
2052 New York - AFBL 35 3 10 5 3 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 .500 .643 .800 1.443 282 261 0.4
2053 New York - AFBL 36 15 43 16 4 0 2 6 9 9 1 0 9 0 0 .372 .491 .605 1.095 192 204 1.1
2054 New York - AFBL 37 14 52 12 2 0 1 7 8 4 3 0 16 0 0 .231 .322 .327 .649 76 81 0.5
2055 New York - AFBL 38 21 71 16 3 0 5 7 9 9 1 0 25 0 0 .225 .321 .479 .800 119 119 -0.7
2056 New York - AFBL 39 6 22 3 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 7 0 0 .136 .240 .136 .376 9 4 -0.8
2057 New York - AFBL 40 13 39 9 1 0 6 12 8 12 0 1 14 0 0 .231 .404 .718 1.122 199 198 -0.6
Total AFBL 175 566 154 38 0 32 81 81 88 7 2 142 0 0 .272 .376 .509 .884 139 139
2036 Colorado - MLB 1B 15 15 127 18 13 145 0 1.000 128.0 10.20 +2.8 1.117
2036 Colorado - MLB 3B 16 12 10 22 2 39 7 .821 105.0 2.74 -4.9 .776
2037 Colorado - MLB 1B 63 55 461 43 37 507 3 .994 504.2 8.99 +10.2 1.170
2037 Colorado - MLB 3B 21 14 9 35 3 50 6 .880 138.0 2.87 -6.2 .790
2037 Colorado - MLB LF 18 17 34 0 0 36 2 .944 156.2 1.95 -4.6 .848
2037 Colorado - MLB RF 4 4 9 0 0 10 1 .900 36.0 2.25 -0.4 .937
2038 Colorado - MLB 1B 35 32 282 17 31 300 1 .997 292.2 9.19 +4.0 1.125
2038 Colorado - MLB 2B 3 0 1 3 2 4 0 1.000 7.1 4.91 +0.0 1.028
2038 Colorado - MLB 3B 70 70 32 106 9 149 11 .926 629.1 1.97 -8.6 .894
2038 Colorado - MLB RF 48 48 84 2 0 98 12 .878 415.1 1.86 -1.7 .971
2039 Colorado - MLB 3B 157 157 87 298 22 409 24 .941 1399.2 2.48 -7.4 .964
2040 Colorado - MLB 1B 9 9 76 8 10 84 0 1.000 83.2 9.04 +2.3 1.265
2040 Colorado - MLB 3B 71 71 40 130 11 181 11 .939 639.2 2.39 -0.8 .991
2041 Colorado - MLB 1B 85 84 655 31 59 693 7 .990 718.2 8.59 +3.2 1.030
2041 Colorado - MLB 3B 73 72 29 122 17 158 7 .956 651.1 2.09 -2.3 .982
2042 Colorado - MLB 1B 150 150 1275 52 103 1335 8 .994 1319.1 9.05 +7.3 1.088
2043 Colorado - MLB 1B 154 154 1271 51 132 1331 9 .993 1364.2 8.72 +6.6 1.074
2044 Colorado - MLB 1B 158 158 1291 46 110 1345 8 .994 1394.1 8.63 +4.3 1.050
2044 Colorado - MLB 3B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2045 Colorado - MLB 1B 158 158 1267 70 101 1352 15 .989 1399.1 8.60 +7.8 1.053
2046 Colorado - MLB 1B 155 153 1325 63 108 1393 5 .996 1382.0 9.04 +16.8 1.142
2046 Colorado - MLB 3B 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1.000 2.0 4.50 +0.0 1.041
2047 Colorado - MLB 1B 152 152 1239 92 126 1341 10 .993 1345.0 8.91 +12.1 1.105
2047 Colorado - MLB 3B 3 1 0 5 2 5 0 1.000 12.0 3.75 -0.5 .873
2048 Colorado - MLB 1B 162 162 1369 73 128 1446 4 .997 1417.2 9.15 +18.7 1.159
2049 Colorado - MLB 1B 87 77 654 30 71 691 7 .990 679.1 9.06 +5.1 1.105
2049 Colorado - MLB 3B 32 31 21 35 6 62 6 .903 266.0 1.89 -4.1 .857
2050 Colorado - MLB 1B 18 18 144 5 10 153 4 .974 153.0 8.76 -0.4 .984
2050 New York - MLB 1B 121 117 977 39 100 1022 6 .994 1024.0 8.93 +7.4 1.124
2050 New York - MLB 3B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2050 New York - MLB SS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2051 New York - MLB 1B 65 65 507 26 64 535 2 .996 583.1 8.22 +5.4 1.150
2052 New York - MLB 1B 100 93 791 36 91 832 5 .994 839.1 8.87 +8.4 1.120
2052 New York - MLB 3B 15 10 1 23 1 25 1 .960 98.2 2.19 -0.8 .929
2053 New York - MLB 1B 131 129 1015 57 116 1075 3 .997 1134.0 8.51 +13.1 1.147
2053 New York - MLB 3B 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2054 New York - MLB 1B 131 131 1085 55 120 1143 3 .997 1166.2 8.79 +13.1 1.149
2055 New York - MLB 1B 145 142 1141 69 102 1223 13 .989 1269.1 8.58 +1.9 1.020
2055 New York - MLB 3B 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2056 New York - MLB 1B 153 152 1221 79 99 1309 9 .993 1340.2 8.73 +7.2 1.052
2057 New York - MLB 1B 141 138 1089 87 99 1190 14 .988 1211.2 8.74 -0.3 1.008
2057 New York - MLB 3B 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 .000 2.0 0.00 -0.5 .000
2058 New York - MLB 1B 67 61 459 30 37 496 7 .986 543.2 8.10 -2.2 .959
TOTAL 1B 2455 2405 19721 1077 1867 20941 143 .993 21295.0 8.79 +154.8 1.088
TOTAL 2B 3 0 1 3 2 4 0 1.000 7.1 4.91 +0.0 1.028
TOTAL 3B 463 438 229 777 73 1080 74 .931 3946.2 2.29 -36.1 .936
TOTAL LF 18 17 34 0 0 36 2 .944 156.2 1.95 -4.6 .848
TOTAL RF 52 52 93 2 0 108 13 .880 451.1 1.89 -2.1 .967
01/01/2048 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 7 (7); Power: 9 (9); Eye: 7 (8).
08/12/2048 Hits his 400th career American Federation Baseball League home run!
08/17/2048 Wins the AFBL FL Player of the Week Award.
11/20/2048 Wins the 2048 AFBL FL Best Defender Award at 1B.
11/20/2048 Wins the 2048 AFBL FL Platinum Stick Award at 1B.
01/01/2049 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 7 (7); Power: 8 (8); Eye: 7 (8).
04/26/2049 Wins the AFBL FL Player of the Week Award.
07/24/2049 Collects his 2000th career American Federation Baseball League hit!
07/30/2049 Injured (Sprained knee), out for 4-5 weeks.
09/19/2049 Injured (Fractured foot), out for 3-4 weeks.
01/01/2050 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 7 (7); Power: 9 (9); Eye: 8 (8).
05/01/2050 Was traded by the Colorado Bears to the New York Twin Towers, along with CL Leo Rodríguez, SP Stan Butler, RP Chris Tremblett, in exchange for CL Josh Hopkins, SP Kevin Marks, a 4th draft pick, a 8th draft pick.
05/07/2050 Suspended 3 games after ejection following a brawl.
01/01/2051 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (6); Power: 8 (8); Eye: 8 (9).
04/21/2051 Injured (Bruised shoulder), day-to-day for 5 days.
06/21/2051 Injured (Torn posterior cruciate ligament (knee)), out for 9-10 months.
07/17/2051 Was selected to the 2051 American Federation Baseball League All-Star Game.
01/01/2052 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (6); Power: 8 (8); Eye: 8 (9).
04/29/2052 Hits three home runs against the Alabama Yellowhammers, going 3-5 with 4 RBI and 3 runs scored!
05/14/2052 Hits his 500th career American Federation Baseball League home run!
06/26/2052 Injured (Bruised wrist), day-to-day for one week.
07/21/2052 Hits three home runs against the New Jersey Athletics, going 3-3 with 8 RBI and 3 runs scored!
08/01/2052 Wins the AFBL PL Batter of the Month Award.
09/16/2052 Wins the AFBL PL Player of the Week Award.
11/25/2052 Wins the 2052 AFBL PL Platinum Stick Award at 1B.
01/01/2053 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 5 (6); Power: 8 (8); Eye: 8 (9).
07/13/2053 Was selected to the 2053 American Federation Baseball League All-Star Game.
08/11/2053 Collects his 1500th career American Federation Baseball League RBI!
11/23/2053 Wins the 2053 AFBL PL Best Defender Award at 1B.
01/01/2054 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 5 (5); Power: 8 (8); Eye: 8 (9).
05/10/2054 Collects his 2500th career American Federation Baseball League hit!
05/10/2054 Scores his 1500th career American Federation Baseball League run!
07/09/2054 Injured (Wrist soreness), day-to-day for 4 days.
07/13/2054 Was selected to the 2054 American Federation Baseball League All-Star Game.
08/10/2054 Wins the AFBL PL Player of the Week Award.
09/07/2054 Injured (Strained oblique), out for 5 weeks.
10/04/2054 Suffered setback in recovery from injury, will miss another one week.
11/20/2054 Wins the 2054 Federation Cup Series with the New York Twin Towers.
01/01/2055 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 5 (5); Power: 8 (8); Eye: 8 (8).
04/08/2055 Injured (sprained knee),day-to-day for 5 days.
04/12/2055 Hits his 600th career American Federation Baseball League home run!
07/11/2055 Was selected to the 2055 American Federation Baseball League All-Star Game.
09/20/2055 Wins the AFBL PL Player of the Week Award.
11/16/2055 Wins the 2055 Federation Cup Series with the New York Twin Towers.
11/21/2055 Wins the 2055 AFBL PL Platinum Stick Award at 1B.
01/01/2056 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 5 (5); Power: 8 (8); Eye: 8 (8).
06/15/2056 Injured (thigh muscle strain),day-to-day for one week.
10/07/2056 Injured (cold),day-to-day for 3 days.
11/27/2056 Wins the 2056 AFBL PL Best Defender Award at 1B.
01/01/2057 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 5 (5); Power: 8 (8); Eye: 8 (8).
01/01/2058 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 5 (5); Power: 7 (7); Eye: 9 (9).
07/25/2058 Collects his 3000th career American Federation Baseball League hit!
01/01/2059 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 4 (4); Power: 6 (6); Eye: 9 (9).
10/11/2059 Retired from professional baseball.
12/03/2063 Was inducted to the Hall of Fame!
Year GS Rank
2039 157 7
2041 156 5
2043 154 10
2044 158 2
2045 158 4
2048 162 9
Year PA Rank
2039 697 4
2041 689 5
2042 669 9
2043 673 7
2044 710 1
2045 712 2
2046 697 7
Year H Rank
2038 193 8
2039 189 8
Year K Rank
2046 146 10
2048 151 10
2056 159 9
Year TB Rank
2038 343 5
2039 332 1
2041 320 4
2042 305 3
2043 310 3
2044 290 7
2045 319 5
Year 2B Rank
2038 43 1
2039 36 9
Year HR Rank
2038 35 6
2039 35 3
2041 40 1
2042 37 2
2043 38 4
2044 36 2
2045 39 2
2046 35 6
2048 35 8
2052 36 4
2053 36 6
2056 33 8
Year RBI Rank
2038 120 4
2039 103 3
2041 105 4
2042 102 2
2043 96 7
2044 101 2
Year R Rank
2039 101 6
2041 101 3
2042 93 5
2043 102 3
2044 96 4
2045 103 6
2056 89 9
Year BB Rank
2038 59 9
2039 85 3
2041 87 2
2042 82 5
2043 73 3
2044 89 1
2045 85 5
2046 88 2
2047 74 7
2048 81 4
2049 73 6
2050 74 3
2052 71 2
2053 75 1
2054 71 8
2055 87 3
2056 70 8
2057 70 10
Year IBB Rank
2038 9 6
2039 11 5
2040 11 5
2041 9 3
2043 4 8
2045 9 2
2046 7 7
2049 7 8
2050 12 1
2052 5 10
2054 8 10
Year HP Rank
2037 15 7
2038 14 6
2043 14 5
2045 17 6
2053 17 4
2054 15 5
Year SH Rank
2052 2 6
Year SF Rank
2041 8 7
2042 6 8
2045 7 4
2052 6 10
Year EBH Rank
2038 79 3
2039 72 3
2042 68 6
2043 66 9
2044 63 8
2045 76 3
2056 63 10
Year AVG Rank
2038 .328 7
2039 .317 6
2041 .311 9
Year OBP Rank
2037 .370 5
2038 .399 3
2039 .409 2
2041 .402 2
2042 .384 6
2043 .379 5
2049 .396 5
2050 .406 2
2053 .368 10
2054 .402 3
2055 .364 7
Year SLG Rank
2037 .501 7
2038 .582 1
2039 .556 1
2041 .546 5
2042 .537 7
2043 .533 7
2045 .529 9
2053 .528 9
2054 .555 5
Year RC Rank
2038 137.61 2
2039 139.40 1
2041 129.95 2
2042 119.80 3
2043 115.69 3
2044 104.02 6
2045 123.24 4
2054 106.77 9
Year RC/27 Rank
2037 6.60 5
2038 9.00 1
2039 8.86 1
2041 8.14 4
2042 7.56 4
2043 7.12 4
2045 7.25 7
2049 7.94 9
2050 8.24 7
2054 8.50 1
2055 6.14 7
Year ISO Rank
2037 .199 8
2038 .255 5
2039 .240 3
2041 .235 9
2042 .252 5
2043 .244 9
2044 .224 9
2045 .259 6
2049 .258 10
2050 .267 7
2053 .286 2
2054 .263 4
2055 .224 8
2056 .246 7
2057 .218 10
Year wOBA Rank
2037 .367 8
2038 .414 1
2039 .407 1
2041 .390 3
2042 .387 3
2043 .380 4
2044 .352 10
2045 .372 7
2050 .391 8
2053 .372 9
2054 .393 1
2055 .347 6
2056 .345 10
Year OPS Rank
2037 .871 5
2038 .982 1
2039 .965 1
2041 .948 3
2042 .921 5
2043 .912 4
2045 .901 7
2049 .938 10
2050 .970 5
2053 .896 10
2054 .957 1
2055 .827 8
Year WAR Rank
2038 6.6 5
2039 7.0 4
2040 5.2 9
2041 6.4 6
2042 6.1 7
2043 5.5 7
2052 5.0 7
2054 4.2 10
Thursday, January 30th , 2025 - OOTP Baseball 25.11 Build 103